Thermal Imaging for Detecting Elevated Body Temperature

The world has become a lot smaller and much more accessible. This was possible due to transportation technologies such as aviation, which are becoming more affordable. With new airline routes becoming more accessible, people now travel the world frequently. However, this can pose risks to countries, and their people as travelers can introduce new illnesses and viruses into other countries. Considering the present day scenario of COVID-19, this situation has become more serious. Such viruses cause a high body temperature or, sometimes, an indicator of serious illnesses such as SARS, Ebola, and recent COVID-19. Thermal temperature detection can often be set up at border crossings such as airports, seaports, and public areas to prevent the spread of such lethal-contagious diseases. What is Thermal Imaging? It is a process that creates an image using Infrared Radiation. Every living emits some form of Infrared Radiation, including humans and...